New BBC ‘fight for truth’ self-promotion video breaks irony meters

State broadcaster’s record on disinformation is a mockery covered for the Tory government’s failure to achieve its covid testing promises during the pandemic and kept repeating the Tories’ claims about covid deaths among NHS workers even after they were shown to be false

replaced footage of a dishevelled Boris Johnson at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday with footage of an earlier wreath-placing

tried to help Johnson keep his job as Foreign Secretary after he was caught lying about the Novichok attack

removed a header image showing Jewish anti-Zionist groups at a massive London anti-genocide protest

published claims in 2018 that chemical weapons watchdog the OPCW had confirmed that the Syrian government had attacked the town of Douma with chlorine gas – and even after Skwawkbox’s revelation of the disinformation forced it to amend its story, still misled, in stark contrast to the honest reporting of other nations’ media. The broadcaster then produced a podcast trying to whitewash the involvement of a British intelligence asset in the false claims around the supposed attack

reversed the order of footage from the miners strike to make it appear that miners had attacked police first

edited out the crowd’s boos at Johnson during the late Queen’s jubilee event

smeared independent then-MP Claudia Webbe with a report that she had threatened to throw acid on a love rival despite a judge’s finding that no such threat was ever made – then botched the ‘correction’

stoked up abuse toward Diane Abbott, Britain’s first Black woman MP, on its Question Time programme and rubbished audience complaints

had to admit it had lied for over sixty years about its policy of keeping left-wingers out of BBC jobs

claimed just before the 2019 general election that a Labour protester had punched a Tory aide – and allowed its political editor to break electoral broadcasting law

claimed a Russian missile had struck a busy Ukrainian market then stayed silent when evidence proved it was a Ukrainian missile

used the London Bridge terror attack to fold and allow then-Tory PM Boris Johnson to back out of a key promised general election interview after Corbyn had already done his

was forced to admit it had made grossly-misleading edits in its ‘Labour antisemitism’ hatchet-job on then-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn ignored revelations that Johnson had lied about Tory NHS privatisation – and discussed Johnson putting jam on a scone instead

edited out the election debate audience mocking and laughing at Johnson

changed a headline to hide an appalling attack by Keir Starmer on immigrants working in the NHS

broadcast footage of smiling and laughing people in Venezuela, then claimed it showed ‘ esperate’ Venezuelans as the US tried to delegitimise the elected left-wing government

u-turned on its own reporting about the rise of nazism in Ukraine to fit the government’s pro-Ukrainian narrative

used footage of a military parade and claimed it showed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

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2024-10-12 | Analysis, Breaking, abuse | English |