GAZA LIVE BLOG: ‘Netanyahu Should Leave Politics’ | Tents Targeted, Burned in Al-Mawasi | Iran Warns against War on Lebanon – Day 267

According to a new poll published by Channel 21, 66 percent of Israelis believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should leave political life and not run in the upcoming elections. Israeli forces carried out new massacres in Gaza, targeting and burning tents of displaced Palestinians in the Al-Mawasi area. The Iranian mission to the United Nations said that launching a comprehensive military
| Blog, News, Slider

Guiltless Night – A Poem (Dedicated to Majed Abu Marahel)

Long-distance runner Majed Abu Marahel, the first Palestinian to compete at the Olympics in 1996, died in Gaza on Tuesday due to Israel’s inhumane blockade on medication and the destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system. — The Palestine Chronicle, June 16, 2024 Bombs from the sky, one way to kill— a pilot and crew return knowing the slaughter. Bullets flock from an automatic weapon— a gunner
| Articles, Features, gaza

‘They Laughed as I Bled’ – Palestine Chronicle Speaks to Wounded Man Who Was Tied to Israeli Military Vehicle

“The temperature of the metal was very high, and because my clothes were torn as a result of the torture and beatings, my entire back had deep burns and skin abrasions.” Shot, then Beaten ‘Leave Me Alone’ ‘Soaked in My Blood’ No Justice – Fayha’ Shalash is a Ramallah-based Palestinian journalist. She graduated from Birzeit University in 2008 and she has
| Articles, Features, Israeli Army

George Georgiou – Ursula von der Leyen: Beyond redemption

George Georgiou is an economist who for many years worked at the Central Bank of Cyprus in various senior roles, including Head of Governor’s Office during the financial crisis Due to the Israeli war crimes in Gaza we have increased our coverage from five to six days a week. We do not have the funds to do this, but felt that
| Corruption, EU politics, EU-Institutions

Gaza Genocide: Origin Stories, Liberal Zionists, and the Need for a Palestine-Centered Narrative

Mainstream history of the United States begins with the American Revolution, an event, the story goes, that initiated the country’s experiment with democracy. There is no mention of enslaved people who built the South. – Benay Blend earned her doctorate in American Studies from the University of New Mexico. Her scholarly works include Douglas Vakoch and Sam Mickey, Eds. (2017), “’Neither
| Articles, Commentary, gaza

450 Palestinian schoolchildren killed by Israel ahead of high school exams: Education Ministry

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank since Oct. 7 have killed a total of 450 schoolchildren who would have enrolled in high school this year, the Palestinian Education Ministry said on Saturday, Anadolu Agency reports. Ministry spokesman Sadiq al-Khadour told Anadolu that Palestinian high school exams that began Saturday in the occupied West Bank under challenging circumstances
| ICJ, International Organisations, Israel

Quibbling about killing: Netanyahu’s spat with Washington

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unhappy. Not so much with the Palestinians, whom he sees as terroristic, dispensable and a threat to Israeli security. Nor with the Iranians, who he swears will never acquire a nuclear weapon capacity on his watch. His recent discontent has been directed against the fatty hand that feeds him and his country’s war-making capabilities.
| Article, Asia & Americas, Europe & Russia

Israel summons Armenia ambassador hours after his country recognises Palestine state

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday summoned the Armenian ambassador to Tel Aviv to reprimand him hours after his country announced its recognition of the State of Palestine. The Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a statement confirming: “Following Armenia’s recognition of a Palestinian state, the foreign ministry summoned the Armenian ambassador in Israel for a severe reprimand.” Earlier on
| Armenia, Israel, Middle East

Columbia University students’ charges dropped after pro-Palestine protest arrests

New York Criminal Court Judge Kevin McGrath decided to dismiss the cases filed against 30 people arrested during pro-Palestine protests in Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. According to The Guardian: “Stephen Millan, a prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, told the court on Thursday his office would not prosecute 30 protesters who were Columbia students at the time of
| Asia & Americas, Canada, Europe & Russia

Israel: ‘We do not intend to kill all Hamas members, but rather take away their governmental, military capability’

Israeli government Spokesperson David Mencer considered that eliminating the military and governing capabilities of Hamas does not necessarily mean “killing every single Hamas terrorist.” Mencer made his statement during a speech on Thursday, a day after a speech by Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari, in which he acknowledged the fact that seeking the: “Complete eradication of Hamas is an unrealistic
| Israel, Middle East, News

Lavrov: ‘Israel’s Gaza actions delay prospect of long-term peace in Middle East’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted on Friday that Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip: “Delay the prospect of sustainable long-term peace in the Middle East.” His statement was made during a news conference following his participation in a meeting of the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers in the Kazakh city of Almaty. Lavrov added that Moscow cannot accept the
| Europe & Russia, International Organisations, Israel

US State Department Israel-Palestine expert resigns amid Gaza war

A senior State Department expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and sceptic of President Joe Biden’s handling of Israel’s war on the besieged Gaza Strip has resigned, according to a report published Friday, Anadolu Agency reports. Andrew Miller, the deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli-Palestinian affairs, was a critic of President Joe Biden’s “bear hug” approach to Israel during the
| Asia & Americas, Israel, Middle East

Spain Defence Minister welcomes Turkish earthquake survivor family

Spanish Defence Minister, Margarita Robles, on Friday warmly welcomed a Turkish family in Madrid, who had been rescued from the rubble in the Nurdagi district of south-eastern Gaziantep province by the Spanish Emergency Military Unit (UME) following the devastating earthquakes that hit southern Turkiye on 6 February, 2023, Anadolu Agency reports. At the Ministry, Robles hosted Elif, her brother, Mahsun
| Europe & Russia, News, Spain

The resistance in Jerusalem is an inextinguishable flame

Occupied Jerusalem embraces an essential part of the resistance map in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) due to the Judaisation plans the city is witnessing and the escalating targeting of both sanctities and residents alike. This is what has prompted more Palestinians to carry out individual operations, participate in popular resistance, stone-throwing and confront the occupation forces’ invasions and stormings
| Article, Israel, Middle East

‘No Justice, No Peace – What Does It Mean in the Context of Gaza Genocide?

Calling for Palestinians to decide their future is the only suitable form of peace with justice, with an emphasis on the latter to ensure that the former is sustainable and self-determined. – Benay Blend earned her doctorate in American Studies from the University of New Mexico. Her scholarly works include Douglas Vakoch and Sam Mickey, Eds. (2017), “’Neither Homeland Nor Exile
| Articles, Commentary, Activism

Palestine welcomes statehood recognition by Armenia

The Palestinian Presidency and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), on Friday, welcomed Armenia’s decision to recognise the State of Palestine, Anadolu Agency reports. According to a statement, reported by the official Palestinian news agency, Wafa, “the Palestinian Presidency has commended the Republic of Armenia’s decision to officially recognise the State of Palestine as an independent and sovereign nation.” The Presidency
| Armenia, Israel, Middle East

What Is Your Role In The Story Of Islam? : On Hajj, Eid, And Surat Ibrahim

The Story Here is Hājar , a noblewoman given as a servant to Ibrahim and Sarah , who leaves her native Egypt only to be abandoned in a desert with her son at the command of a god she can neither see nor hear. Her absolute certainty in Allah , however, is not decoupled from desperation for her son. This
| #Islam, featured, Featured Islam

Japan hotel refuses entry to Israeli man over possible ties to military

A hotel in Japan’s Kyoto city refused accommodation to an Israeli man, citing possible ties with his country’s military engaging in conflict in Gaza, local media reported on Friday, Anadolu Agency reports. The city government has instructed Hotel Material in Higashiyama Ward that such an act violates a law prohibiting hotels and other facilities from refusing to accommodate visitors except
| Asia & Americas, Israel, Japan

Armenia officially recognises the State of Palestine

The Republic of Armenia has officially recognised the State of Palestine, raising the number of United Nations member states acknowledging Palestinian statehood to 149 out of 193. The Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement today highlighting the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Israel’s ongoing war as urgent issues requiring international attention and resolution. It said, “The Republic
| Armenia, Israel, Middle East

Chile's lawyers ask to investigate contract with the national water company of Israel (Mekorot)

As Israel’s military offensive — genocide — against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip remains ongoing after nine months, Chilean lawyers filed a complaint to the General Comptroller’s Office of the Republic for inspection of possible irregularities in the agreement signed between the Government of Biobío region and the national water company of Israel (Mekorot) on the “Regional Water Resources
| Asia & Americas, Blog, Blogs - Politics

GAZA LIVE BLOG: Humanitarian Catastrophe in Rafah | Poll: Israelis Prefer Gantz | Soldiers Killed in Rafa – Day 259

The mayor of Rafah, Ahmed al-Sufi, said that the entire city is considered an area of Israeli military operations and that it is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe. According to an opinion poll conducted by the Israeli newspaper Maariv, 42 percent of Israelis would prefer Benny Gantz for prime minister if new elections were held today, compared to 35 percent who prefer
| Blog, News, Slider

Weary Lebanese brace for war after new Hezbollah threats

Lebanese product designer, Tara Tabet, does not want to see her country pulled into a full-scale war with Israel but, like many of her compatriots, is bracing for possible conflict after new threats by armed group Hezbollah against both Israel and Cyprus, Reuters reports. Hezbollah chief, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, surprised many on Wednesday when he said Cyprus – the EU member
| Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon

6 Israeli soldiers injured in last 24 hours, military says

Six Israeli soldiers were injured in clashes in the last 24 hours, including three in the Gaza Strip, military figures showed on Thursday, Anadolu Agency reports. The army, however, did not provide any further details about how the soldiers were wounded. According to Israeli military figures, at least 662 soldiers have been killed and 3,866 others injured since the outbreak
| Israel, Middle East, News

Israel: War in Gaza harms normalisation with Morocco, says security institute

Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) has reported that while the main aspects of Israeli-Moroccan relations, including bilateral trade and security links, have not yet been affected by the war against the Palestinians in Gaza, they have been greatly damaged in other aspects, most notably the normalisation of public diplomatic ties, official visits and tourism. “This pattern of fluctuating
| Africa, Israel, Middle East

Palestinian journalist from Gaza lists catalogue of abuses in Israeli detention

A Palestinian journalist arrested by Israeli occupation forces three months ago in Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza has provided his lawyer with a shocking catalogue of abuses taking place in Israel detention centres. Alaraby television correspondent Mohammad Saber Arab, 42, told lawyer Khaled Mahajneh that detainees are killed, raped, tortured, abused and humiliated. During his first visit to speak to Arab
| Israel, Middle East, News

Israel tanks push deeper into Rafah, forcing people to flee again

Israeli tanks, backed by warplanes and drones, advanced deeper into the western part of the Gaza Strip city of Rafah on Wednesday, killing eight people, according to residents and Palestinian medics, Reuters reports. Residents said the tanks moved into five neighbourhoods after midnight. Heavy shelling and gunfire hit the tents of displaced families in the Al-Mawasi area, further to the
| Israel, Middle East, News

Growing up in Nuseirat – Where massacres become routine

I clearly remember my first day at an UNRWA school in a refugee camp in Gaza. I was five years of age. It felt like my life was over. The distance from Block 5 of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp to the New Camp – located within the municipal boundaries of Nuseirat – was long, exhausting and terrifying. I had to
| Article, International Organisations, Israel

67% of water, sanitation infrastructure destroyed in Gaza since 7 October: UN Refugee agency

The UN Relief Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) said Wednesday that “67 per cent of water, sanitation facilities and infrastructure have been destroyed or damaged” in the Gaza Strip since 7 October, Anadolu Agency reports. The Agency emphasised the urgent need for action. “As infectious diseases continue to spread and temperatures rise, the lack of hygiene and dehydration pose a severe threat
| International Organisations, Israel, Middle East

Head of Lebanon Hezbollah threatens Israel, Cyprus in televised address

The head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah said on Wednesday that nowhere in Israel would be safe if a full-fledged war breaks out between the two foes, and he also threatened Cyprus and other parts of the Mediterranean, Reuters reports. Hezbollah has been trading fire with Israel for more than eight months in parallel with the Gaza War. On Tuesday, the group published
| Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon

Judaic & Christian Eschatology — Why Prophecy Matters in Geopolitics

Israel is gathered back into the historical lands of their forefathers.  Temple Worship Resumes (Animal Sacrifices). Elijah the prophet is to return to Israel to turn the nation back to Temple Worship. A world leader will sign a agreement with Israel for a period of 7 years to guarantee peace in the region. This is what triggers the seven year period referred to
| Eschatology

40,000 Muslims pray at Al-Aqsa to mark 1st day of Eid al-Adha

Around 40,000 Palestinians offered Eid al-Adha prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday, but there was no festive atmosphere, instead mourning the victims of Israel’s ongoing war on the Gaza Strip for over eight months now, Anadolu news agency reported. The Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem said in a statement that about 40,000 worshippers performed Eid al-Adha prayers due
| Israel, Middle East, News

Israel says it targeted Hezbollah military structure in southern Lebanon

Israel has claimed targeting a Hezbollah military structure in southern Lebanon Friday night, Anadolu Agency reports. In a statement on Saturday, the army said fighter jets struck the building in the area of ​​Kfar Kila. It added that two missiles were also launched from Lebanon towards the area of Miron, Upper Galilee region, but no casualties were reported. Cross-border tensions have
| Israel, Lebanon, Middle East

Unite asks members, ‘Should we take a very pro-Israel position?’

Crazed survey to members includes range of options on genocide banned Unite officials and national banners from pro-Gaza protests banned and smeared films and books exposing the ‘Labour antisemitism’ scam placed an official under investigation who refused to cancel a Palestine solidarity fringe event at Labour’s 2023 annual conference told her chief of staff to threaten a soon-to-retire official with the loss of a pension bonus if he did not soften his
| Analysis, Breaking, abuse

Analysis: The strategic shift in Iranian public opinion on nuclear weapons

The recent surge in Iranian public support for nuclear weapons, as revealed by the IranPoll survey, can be significantly attributed to the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the perceived actions of Israel. Many Iranians believe that, in a hypothetical war scenario between Iran and Israel, Israel would retaliate for battlefield losses by targeting Iranian civilians, much like the alleged genocide
| Article, Asia & Americas, Iran

Erdogan: ‘We look forward to fairer approach from G7 to solve world’s problems’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed on Friday Ankara’s hopes for the G7 countries to adopt a: “Fairer, inclusive and realistic approach from G7 countries in resolving global problems and regional conflicts.” President Erdogan added in a post on X: “I hope that the G7 Leaders Summit held in Italy today will be beneficial for humanity.” The 50th G7 summit,
| Asia & Americas, Canada, Europe & Russia

Germany: Parliament rejects proposal to stop arms exports to Israel

The German Federal Parliament rejected a proposal presented by the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) party titled “No weapons for war in Gaza, stop arms exports to Israel.” BSW Parliamentarian Sevim Dagdelen stressed in a session late on Thursday night that the Israeli attacks on Gaza no longer have anything to do with self-defence. Dagdelen pointed out that thousands of Palestinian
| Europe & Russia, Germany, Israel

Turkiye, UAE Presidents discuss 'genocidal policies' in Gaza as part of G7 leaders’ summit in Italy

The Turkish President met with his UAE counterpart in Italy as part of the G7 leaders’ summit on Friday, according to Turkiye’s Communications Directorate, Anadolu Agency reports. During the meeting, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan discussed Turkiye-UAE relations, as well as regional and global issues. Erdogan underlined that it is important for the Islamic world
| Europe & Russia, G7, ICJ

Missile barrage hits northern Israel, emergency services report

Israeli emergency services reported dealing with a string of fires in northern Israel on Friday, after dozens of missiles were fired from southern Lebanon into the area around the border town of Kiryat Shemona, Reuters reports. The military said that warning sirens had sounded in northern Israel and emergency services said teams were searching the area, where they reported there
| Israel, Lebanon, Middle East

Reading uni divests from Barclays under pressure from Gaza encampment

The University of Reading has agreed to divest from Barclays bank following weeks of protests by students from the Reading Friends of Palestine. In a statement, Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Van de Noort, said: “Since I first met with students from Reading Friends of Palestine on 20 May, the first day of their protest at Whiteknights, much has been said and
| Europe & Russia, Israel, Middle East

Africa Uncensored co-founder John-Allan Namu wins ICFJ Knight Award

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) today announced three winners of the prestigious Knight Awards in recognition of the journalists’ exceptional impact and commitment to uncovering wrongdoing. John-Allan Namu, a reporter and media entrepreneur from Kenya, and Valeriya Yegoshyna, an investigative reporter from Ukraine, are the 2024 winners of the ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award. Rana Sabbagh, a renowned investigative
| General, ICFJ, International Center for Journalists

US aided Israel in Gaza hostages rescue, US official tells CNN

An American unit in Israel supported the efforts to rescue four Israeli hostages in the central Gaza strip, CNN reported Saturday citing a US official, Anadolu reports. “An American cell in Israel supported the efforts to rescue four Israeli hostages, working with Israeli forces on the operation,” the official told CNN. CNN previously reported that Israel prepared for weeks for
| Asia & Americas, ICJ, International Organisations

D-8 Council of Ministers calls for 'immediate, permanent, unconditional' cease-fire in Gaza

The D-8 Council of Ministers on Saturday called for an “immediate, permanent, unconditional” cease-fire and an end to Israeli aggression against the Palestinians in the besieged enclave, Anadolu Agency reports. The joint declaration also called on all countries to ensure Israel’s strict adherence to provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). D-8 nations “affirm the unwavering support
| Asia & Americas, Europe & Russia, ICJ

'Our people will not surrender, resistance will continue,' says Hamas political chief

The head of Hamas’ Political Bureau reaffirmed Saturday that resistance forces would continue to defend Palestinian rights against Israel after attacks on the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reports. In a statement, Ismail Haniyeh asserted that Israel “continues to massacre Palestinian children and women in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp and Deir al-Balah in the central
| International Organisations, Israel, Middle East

'We cannot remain silent': Turkish foreign minister condemns Israeli oppression in Gaza

Turkiye’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Saturday spoke out against “Israeli oppression” in the Gaza Strip, following a summit of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation in Istanbul, Anadolu Agency reports. “In Istanbul, we (D-8 countries) declare together to the whole world that we are not silent in face of Israeli oppression in Gaza and we cannot remain silent,” Hakan
| Africa, Asia & Americas, Bangladesh

Israel retrieves 4 hostages alive from central Gaza Strip

Israel said on Saturday that it retrieved four Israeli hostages from the central Gaza Strip after a military operation in the area, Anadolu Agency reports. The Israeli army said in a statement that in a “combined operation by the Israeli forces, the Shin Bet, and the police, four Israeli hostages were freed this morning” in Nuseirat refugee camp. The army
| ICJ, International Organisations, Israel

At last, the Israeli occupation and Daesh are on the same UN blacklist

In 2014, when the Israeli occupation launched its large-scale war on the occupied Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu likened the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas to the Western-backed terrorist group Daesh. Not only myself, but also tens of writers and intellectuals responded to him. They refuted his claim, which he used to justify his crimes in Gaza, as
| Article, International Organisations, Israel

Smotrich calls for rebuilding settlements in the Gaza Strip

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for rebuilding settlements in the Gaza Strip, nearly two decades after Israel withdrew from the Strip. Speaking at the opening of the Torah and Land Centre in the southern kibbutz of Nitzan, home to many residents of the former Gush Katif settlements, Smotrich said the next centre should be built in Gush Katif. “Our
| Israel, Middle East, News

Israeli opposition leader says government faced ‘complete humiliation’ in Gaza

Israeli opposition leader Avigdor Lieberman said Friday that Israel’s government faced “complete humiliation” in Gaza, while “losing the north and continuing to surrender” to Hezbollah, Anadolu Agency reports. “The Israeli government lost the north and continues to surrender to Hezbollah, which does everything it can,” the head of Yisrael Beiteinu party wrote on X. “Exactly eight months since the Oct. 7
| International Organisations, Israel, Lebanon